More About Peter's Home... Peter was born May 3,1970 and passed
away October 2,2004 at 34 years of age from malignant melanoma.
He fought a courageous battle for 1 1/2 years. He leaves a wife
of 1 week Patricia Wilson, a son Griffin Wilson 9 years old, a sister,
his mother and step father, grandmother, four nieces and a nephew.
Peter was a construction worker for Marois Brothers in Worcester
, MA . He was an avid hunter, fisherman and loved kids. He never
once complained through out his illness.
Peter's Home is a dream we are trying to make a reality: a residential
hospice home in central Massachusetts for patients and their families
dealing with terminal cancer. There are only 2 places in our area
that offer these services. Peter did not have a bed available to
him at the time when we needed it. Through our experience we have
realized that central Massachusetts is desperately in need of hospice!
We are trying to spread the word and let the public know of how
little care there is available in this area. |